Menu a four chambered heart sign in | sign up cinema stills apex read support about store in full >> vex reverence cover.jpg 2.71 MBVex Ashley - Four Chambers founder, director, performer, venus fly tap. My cup runneth over. Read more about me, watch the films I'm in below. >> Twitter >> Tumblr >> Instagram internal desire machines talk night crawl interior geometries VHS maman II maman rites of spring fucked birth of venus a cyborg manifesto orgone theory hydra forged obscenities II forged obscenities atrophy portraits II the reverence l'enfer human botany recursion II l'appel du vide inbetween red shift supplicant the fall the renascence the decadence the eye exchange II lurid viscid alchemy proof monitor II impulse response crystalline proximity II exchange sol monitor primavera proximity I crucible oral fixations