porn performer, director and film maker.
After rejecting being demoted to "muse" spending 3 years at art school and getting naked online as a cam girl, Vex started making work as Four Chambers to expand the idea of what sex on film could say, do and be.
Vex performs in, directs, edits and produces the Four Chambers project in collaboration with a partner and the performers.
She speaks, writes and spends a lot of time online talking about making porn creatively and independently, sex as performance, authenticity, art and pornography, technology and sex, camming, censorship and the music of Joanna Newsom.
the edinburgh science festival, berlin porn film festival, scottish international queer film festival, shout festival, wonderlust festival helsinki, uncensored festival, film kunst festival, IKON gallery, cob gallery, kings college london, essex university, oxford university union, camberwell college of art, porn studies journal, BBC radio 4, know wave radio.
four chambers films featuring vex