On Cuckolding
He walks in whenever he wants like he owns the place and fucks my boyfriend’s ass.
It doesn’t matter what I’m doing. What day it is. How I’m feeling. Where we’re going.
But this guy.
They’re basically dating now.
They fuck more than he and I do.
This has been going on for a while now. Longer than I know, probably.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Some kinks take ahold of you.
There’s more than just the moment available, things you do during sex.
Feet. Piss. Choking. Spanking. Roleplay. Ropes.
Particular acts with beginnings, middles, ends.
Some kinks live forever.
Some kinks take over.
Kinks that spread like ivy.
Kinks that expand, entangle, engulf. Encompass.
Lifestyle kinks. Kinks based in being.
Chastity is one such kink.
Cucking is another.
For example.
He fucked him yesterday. You were gone. You had no idea.
They’re fucking again today, acting like its the first time. No idea.
That secret’s a hole.
They’re gonna fuck tomorrow, too.
That’s tomorrow’s hole.
You’re getting fucked without even knowing it.
Fucked behind your back.
Fucked in the shadow of your absence.
Tertiary you.
Uninvovled you.
Only referenced, you.
How they feel about each other. What they say when you’re gone.
The secrets, the lies, the places you’re not. The absence of you.
All of its sex. It’s everywhere.
Your boundary? That’s a Hole.
Your rules about condoms? That’s another Hole.
Your anniversary is a hole.
Your wedding night’s a hole.
Your personal space, your belongings, your sweet nicknames for each other - holes.
“I Love You?” Hole.
Theres something calm and quiet between two people.
Something hot and quick like flame.
Deep like thunder.
Soft like silk.
It can’t be heard by someone else. Even if they love you.
The dull ocean roar of infedelity on mute.
But fuck so loud, heard and forgotten like in a dream.
The dark deep water of your love.
That intimate place through the one way mirror into his cunt.
Straight into his heart.
Being as close as possible to him right there, on the couch, in front of you.
We’re all of us traitors.
We lie, we cheat, we steal.
We feel things that would shatter glass.
Accept it. Embrace it.
He brings your best friend over and fucks him in your bed in front of you.
He has sex with his ex and lies about it.
Boundary crossing as impact play.
Your humiliation and jealousy – lubricant.
What if he stayed the night?
What if they started dating?
Or fucking every night?
What if he left you and stayed at his place?
What if he broke up with you and dated him instead and it gave you a boner?
You could never escape that. Ever.
You would never stop cumming about it either.